About Ossipee Children's FundOssipee Children's Fund provides tuition assistance for programs of childcare, recreation, education and enrichment for eligible children living in the New Hampshire towns of Effingham, Freedom, Madison, and Ossipee.
The organization was established on the premise that children of working parents or parents seeking employment should be assured a secure environment in which to learn, socialize, and play. The children we support receive qualified, licensed care and supervision in positive environments that involve them in constructive activities that increase their confidence and help them become good citizens. Parents apply for the program or care they want for their children. Awards are paid to the providers after services are rendered. Run by a volunteer board, Ossipee Children’s Fund is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, registered with the Charitable Trusts Unit of the State of New Hampshire. |
History Ossipee Children’s Fund began in 1990 with an anonymous donation and the creative brainstorming of Cecily Clark, Susan Wiley, and Frances Strayer. In the beginning, the Ossipee Children’s Fund was primarily focused on providing funding for childcare. Gradually its services expanded to fund recreation and, eventually, education and enrichment programs. Since its inception, the number of licensed childcare facilities has increased as have the opportunities for recreation and enrichment.
OCF has built a substantial donor base of individuals and businesses, and the towns it serves support OCF with Town Meeting Appropriations. In 2003 the Wolfeboro Fund gave OCF a challenge grant that became the basis of today’s endowment fund, held by New Hampshire Charitable Fund, which supports about 13% of our services to children. In the early years OCF payout for children’s care and activities ran an average of about $10,000. Today the average is $79,000 and represents nearly 350 awards each year for children’s services. After such a modest beginning, the board was proud to announce the awarding of our millionth dollar for direct services for children in 2012. |